Dhruvrajsinh Rathod

Software Developer

Born in Gujarat based in Toronto

Developing Unique App Worlds: Transforming Your Thoughts into Code

My Projects

Built TripMate app's frontend with React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, empowering users to customize travel preferences. Integrated JSON city data for detailed destinations. Currently advancing backend development. Live on Netlify, showcasing web development proficiency and commitment to personalized travel planning solutions.
(Json-Server & Render)
Crafted BloggerDhruv, a dynamic and responsive blog using HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, and Express.js. Implemented CRUD functionality, utilizing JSON-Server on Render.com. Achieved optimal performance and accessibility by deploying on Vercel, showcasing full-stack web development expertise.
Tea Explorer
"Tea Explorer" elegantly crafted in HTML and CSS, is my college project spotlighting tea types, their flavours, origins, and health perks through a captivating interface. It offers enthusiasts an engaging exploration, featuring images and health insights for each tea. With responsive design, it's an accessible and visually pleasing tea journey.

"As the mentor for Dhruv on the 'Tea Explorer' project, I've observed his adept utilization of technology to solve everyday challenges. His collaborative approach and positive mindset enrich team dynamics consistently. Dhruv's innovative project involvement, from inception to execution, reflects his dedication and talent. I wish him continued success in his future endeavours."

Pedram Faghihi, Professor.

(House Rental Application)
I founded an app - "RentEase" revolutionizing how students find rentals. It is a cross-platform app, on iOS and Android, streamlines renting for students, connecting them with housing near their schools. Whether an apartment or shared house, RentEase makes finding the perfect space simple. Explore listings, and communicate with landlords.🎉
Crafted Krypt-Ether: a decentralized web app for effortless Ether transfers between MetaMask wallets. Designed smart contracts, enhanced performance, and deployed on blockchain using ReactJS, NodeJS, Tailwind CSS, and Hardhat.
Todo-list using ReactJS
🚀 react js project
Todo List Application

Excited to share my latest project! I've created a sleek and efficient To-Do List application using ReactJS. 📝


✅ Add new tasks
❌ Remove tasks that are no longer needed
✅ Check off completed tasks to keep track of your progress

Weather App
(Using OpenWeatherMap)
Crafted a Weather App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, utilizing OpenWeatherMap API for accurate real time weather updates and information.
HTML Blog Website
Designed a project using HTML and CSS: a beautifully minimal blog for sharing elegant ideas.
Speech Text Reader
Created a Speech Text Reader website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Enables text-to-speech functionality, enhancing accessibility and user interaction.
Designed a minimalist Music Player web app with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Enhanced user experience with elegant controls and efficient audio file loading. Collaborated on ongoing refinements for performance improvements.
Python Project #1
Mini Python project
QR Code Generator 🐍📲

To reinforce my Python skills, I embarked on a hands-on project - a QR Code Generator. This project let me apply key concepts like manipulating text, handling user input, and using external libraries. The program takes input from users, creates QR codes, and saves them as images. It was an excellent way to enhance my skills while bringing a useful idea to reality.

Python Project #2
🔢 Number Guessing Game 🎮🤔

Revived my loop and logic skills with a self-created Number Guessing Game in Python.

I tackle demanding projects to sharpen my skills, craft better programs, and contribute to positive change.🌟

Having gained insight into my background, please reach out with a greeting, and let's connect for potential opportunities.

Send a hi 👋